If you are on the fence about buying my larger Photoshop brush sets, this sample mini pack will leave you with no doubt that these are the finest natural media brushes available for Photoshop! Included in this mini pack are eight of my most popular brushes, including pencil, inks, watercolor, gouache, and oil paint. On the other f you decide Adobe's subscription package is too pricey, you can always consider one of the best Photoshop alternatives.Sale Page: More Info and Preview Template And we also have a guide to the best Photoshop Shortcuts, which can help you to speed up your workflow. We've made our own pick of the best Photoshop tutorials we've found. Adobe has its own tutorials, but there are plenty more out there. One of the great things about Photoshop being such a widely used tool is that there's no shortage of tips and tutorials online for almost anything you might want to do in the software. Click the “Load” button to install the Photoshop brushes.

To add your new Photoshop brushes, simply click “Import Brushes”, and then in the “Load” file selection window, choose the. Once you've downloaded them, you'll need to open Photoshop and go to “Settings” menu icon in the top-right.

You can download the Photoshop brushes in our guide above as. It includes both blurred and non-blurred circles and polygons. This set includes several brushes for painting your own bokeh and some already made in scattered groups. A bokeh effect can help draw the eye to the subject of a photograph. This pack includes various bokeh designs (and if you're wondering what bokeh is, it's that glittery like shape you sometimes get when areas of a photo are out of focus, like lights in a background). Download Bokeh from DeviantArt (opens in new tab).Licences are available if it's not possible to give credit Create glints of out of focus light with these free Bokeh brushes (Image credit: Redheadstock)